Step by Step Guide

Step-by-Step Guide on Setting Up a Petty Cash System

Effective management of petty cash is crucial for businesses of all sizes. Having a well-structured petty cash system ensures smooth financial operations, minimizes the burden on the accounting department, and provides a convenient way to handle small expenses.

In this blog, we will provide you with a step-by-step guide on how to set up a petty cash system that works efficiently for your organization.

Step 1: Define the Purpose and Scope

Start by clearly defining the purpose and scope of your petty cash system. Consider the types of expenses that will be covered, the maximum amount of cash to be held, and who will have access to the funds.

Understanding these details will help you establish the necessary guidelines and procedures.

Step 2: Establish a Petty Cash Fund

Allocate an initial amount of cash to serve as your petty cash fund. This fund should be sufficient to cover small expenses for a designated period.

Consider factors such as the frequency of expenses and the size of your organization when determining the appropriate fund amount.

Step 3: Designate a Petty Cash Custodian

Appoint a responsible employee as the petty cash custodian. This person will be responsible for managing and disbursing the cash, maintaining records, and ensuring compliance with the established procedures.

Choose someone trustworthy and reliable who can handle this responsibility effectively.

Step 4: Create a Petty Cash Register

Set up a petty cash register to track all incoming and outgoing transactions. The register should include fields for the date, purpose, amount, and recipient of each transaction.

This will help you maintain a clear record of all petty cash activities and facilitate reconciliation.

Step 5: Establish Expense Approval Process

Define the process for approving expenses and disbursing cash from the petty cash fund. Determine the maximum amount that can be disbursed without requiring additional authorization.

Implement a system where employees submit expense requests with supporting documentation such as receipts or invoices.

Step 6: Determine Replenishment Procedure

Establish guidelines for replenishing the petty cash fund. Determine the threshold at which the fund should be replenished and specify who is responsible for replenishing the cash.

This ensures that the fund remains at an appropriate level to cover ongoing expenses.

Step 7: Implement Security Measures

Ensure the security of your petty cash by implementing appropriate measures. Store the cash in a secure location, such as a lockable cash box or safe. Limit access to authorized personnel only.

Additionally, establish procedures for handling and transporting the cash securely to minimize the risk of theft or loss.

Step 8: Train Employees

Provide training to all employees involved in the petty cash process. Educate them on the purpose, procedures, and responsibilities associated with petty cash management.

Emphasize the importance of accurate record-keeping, proper documentation, and compliance with established guidelines.

Step 9: Regularly Monitor and Review

Continuously monitor and review the petty cash system to ensure its effectiveness. Regularly reconcile the petty cash register with the physical cash on hand to identify any discrepancies.

Conduct periodic reviews to assess the adherence to procedures and make any necessary adjustments or improvements.


Setting up a well-structured petty cash system is essential for efficient financial management. By following this step-by-step guide, you can establish a reliable petty cash system that ensures accountability, streamlines small expense handling, and minimizes the burden on your accounting department. Implementing these procedures will help you maintain financial integrity and ensure the smooth operation of your organization.